Nepal Health Conference in December – Naya Bikalpa
February 9, 2025, Sunday

Nepal Health Conference in December

Kathmandu : The Ministry of Health and Population will be organising the National Health Conference in coming December.

The event scheduled to take place on December 26-27 aims to promote partnership, faciliate the exchange of knowledge and experience and utilise global expertise to address challenges in the health sector. It will be held in Kathmandu.

The Ministry shared information about this at a press meet on Wednesday. Ministry’s additional secretary Dr Tanka Barakoti said the objective of the Conference is to unite Nepali health experts together from around the world and utilise their expertise to strengthen the country’s health services. The conference will provide a forum for discussions on health-related challenges and explore the solutions.

The discussions and sharing with the overseas Nepali community and the National Health stakeholders is expected to be a milestone in developing a long-term strategy for the enhancement of the health system, Ministry’s Coordination Division Chief Dr Bhim Prasad Sapkota said.

The conference will seek to identify potential improvements and impacts that the use of digital tools and technologies can bring to healthcare services, discussing policy frameworks to strengthen partnerships with overseas Nepali communities who are engaged in the health sector.

Overseas Nepali health professionals from over 90 countries around the world including research organisations will take part in the conference.

सम्बन्धित समाचार

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