Zelensky says ‘crazy’ Russia using Ukraine as ‘testing ground’ – Naya Bikalpa
February 9, 2025, Sunday

Zelensky says ‘crazy’ Russia using Ukraine as ‘testing ground’

President Volodymyr Zelensky said Thursday that Russian leader Vladimir Putin was using Ukraine as a weapons-testing ground, accusing Moscow of having apparently launched an armed intercontinental ballistic missile at his country.

If confirmed, it would be the first use of such a weapon in conflict in history, and a sharp escalation of the fighting in Ukraine.

“All the characteristics — speed, altitude — correspond to an intercontinental ballistic missile. Expert examinations are underway. It is obvious that Putin is using Ukraine as a testing ground,” Zelensky said in a video posted on social media.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles are designed to carry nuclear warheads and have a minimum range of 5,500 kilometres (3,400 miles).

Sources and experts told AFP, however, it was “obvious” the missile that struck Ukraine did not carry a nuclear charge, which indicates Russia launched it mainly for political effect.

Zelensky accused Putin of doing “anything to prevent his neighbour from escaping his grasp” as the war stretches into its third year.

“Today, our crazy neighbour has once again shown who he really is and how he despises dignity, freedom and human life in general. And how afraid he is,” Zelensky said.

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